Tuesday, March 18, 2008


In times of need for smiles friends are the best remedy - true friends - not those phony fockers. Lucky for me I have some solid peeps. The celebration of our Patron Saint Patrick is for me a time to connect with those that I do not spend nearly enough time with. Scranton is the destination and Clarks Summit is the starting point - Boozer Schaeffer Principal Extrodinairre's house to be exact - let us not forget that it all starts with a great woman so Karen is truly the one who has the roots to get us there in the first place. I had a mentally challenging day Friday - I am the first to admit I am not perfect and will admit my transgressions freely - I am not however willing to accept blame for others skankiness - veiled referencece but...I forgot my friggin kilt because of aforementioned skankiness. A lesser man may have been shaken - but fortunately as soon as I saw Eric's smiling face I gladly accepted a Mickey's and let kiltgate pass. Matt was questionable - wanted to be there - was dealing with his own issues - knew that for the sake of recharging his faith in humanity he should be there - was still game day decision - he made it!!! That would be a side note exept for the fact that he was sporting a kilt and he was doling guff for the fact that I did not have mine - Benetton in town - they have plaid - best store ever they need a rebirth - man going to Benetton to buy a 100 dollar skirt does not fit into the budget - Karen has skirts - that is crazy talk - Matt is much bigger than me and I should not argue - long of the short is I decide (group decision) to wear a flare bottom (new lingo for me - I shook it like a poloroid picture once I figured out what was all about) and my darling Stephanie made me a sign to wear that explained why the hell I was wearing a denim skirt. All gravy from there - I thank all that extended their kindness - both the Lee and the Brennan famillies are top shelf - if you are ever in Allentown please look us up.

Random new paragraph. What I am trying to say is I love my friends - especially my best friend Stephanie. There is forever mentally taxing refuse assaulting one's mind - friends who truly love you - priceless. Thanks to all that have been understanding in the tumultuous times - lord knows there have been many - the good news is that the best is yet to come.


Friday, March 14, 2008

Better than Christmas!

I am pretty sure that even God would not mind me saying that from a buzz seekers point of view - St. Patrick's Day is better than Christmas. It is time for my annual pilgrimage to the Scranton area to celebrate this glorious time of year with dear friends. Every year the itinerary changes just a little bit but I can always be assured of laughing until my face hurts and drinking beer until my belly hurts. It has to be close to ten years that I have been heading North for the St. Pat's parade in Scranton and in all of those years I have seen the parade exactly once. I am sure it is lovely - one can hear the glorious sound of bagpipers for miles - but to be quite honest - way too many people. Through my good friend Eric (Boozer to those in the know) and his wife Karen we have been fortunate enough to become annual guests of a gathering at Lee Electric Supply. I truly inspire to throw such a fantastic gathering some day. They generously open their warehouse - expand it with a tent - fire up a beer truck with ten taps!!! - and share their love with all comers. Fortunately Stephanie has no business travel this year and will be able to attend. We are heading up this evening (our second week anniversary of engagement) to spend some quality time with Karen and Eric - and then up bright and early tomorrow to start the celebration. A full report of all festivities that are printable to follow. In the interim - get your Irish on!!

Friday, March 7, 2008


Holy crap. Anyone who has not checked out the link to "Up in Alaska" on here really should. We are talking tears while you read type of literature. I bow down to this girl - then I must offer an obligatory curse because now I feel guilty when I whine that I do not want to go out for a 7 mile run. Crikey. I have been engaged to a wonderful woman (a Princess really) for one whole week!! Things are looking up - Happy Friday!

Saturday, March 1, 2008

Special Leap Day

Well folks today may have been the most special Leap Day ever - hope y'all felt it. After very much sneaking around - I was able to surprise Stephanie with an offer of spending the rest of her life as Mrs. Sherry. She screamed and ran out the door laughing hysterically - but I am hoping she makes it back to accept my offer sometime soon. I jest. I totally caught her off guard - she thought it was originally one of my silly jokes and was getting ready to scold me - a glimmer of The Rock must have bounced off her retina right before I received her wrath because she quickly determined I was not kidding. I surely was not. Our life together has been special - we have helped each other recover from some pretty rough times. I have nothing but high hopes for the good times we will share not only together but with all of you. We thank you all for your love and support over the years and look forward to being able to celebrate with you all. Celebrating is my forte!! I did a good job no? Peace.