Monday, December 1, 2008

Join the Fight with Team Fatty

I have no idea who even reads this thing but Stephanie and I have signed on for a cause today. We both signed up to take part in the Philly Livestrong Challenge in August - she is going to ride the 10 mile version and I the 70. I have been following the blog of The Fat Cyclist for some time - a link can be found in the sidebar. His wife has inoperable brain cancer and it is his intention to break team records in not only all four Livestrong regional challenges but to also decimate the overall fundraising record. It only takes a few moments of reading his posts to get excited about the cause. As I not only have family members who have fought their own personal battles with cancer - some of which strangely enough do not even tell me that they have found masses - I have also had a bit of the cancer removed from my neck a few months ago and so this whole thing struck a chord with me. Bottom line is we are going to need everyone's help to even get there as we each need to raise at least $250 to have the opportunity to join the ride. So as we do not have any kids that have been trying to sell you cookies or wrapping paper or other things of the such and as we have not really done anything like this before - we are hoping we will far surpass that number. We are going to try and divide and conquer so as not to hit everyone up twice - I know these are difficult economic times so anything that can be spared will be greatly appreciated. I am going to compile a list of e-mails which will give you a link to one of our pages. In the interim if you really cannot control the urge to donate - by all means check out or - if you need any motivation just check out the link to Fat Cyclist in the sidebar. It is my promise that should we end up with a child they will have a direct edict to not harass any of you with their childish fundraising pursuits - if you do not donate however they will have your arse on speed dial. I crack me up.

1 comment:

Glibbidy said...

They need a paypal button on that site!